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Catholic Charities Corporation Administrative Offices:

7911 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44102

(216) 334-2900

Behavioral Health


We strive to create healthy communities through local, educational programming that impacts the whole family.

Prevention Services

Mental Health

If you or a family member need someone to talk to, our counselors are here to listen with care without judgment. We offer professional behavioral health services to strengthen and support area individuals and families. Services available in-person and via telehealth.

Mental Health Services

Substance Use Treatment

Are you addicted to drugs or alcohol? We offer counseling and treatment services to help you become and remain sober. We also offer bilingual services for Spanish speakers.

Substance Use Treatment Services

Camps & Athletics

Camp Christopher

For more than 100 years, Camp Christopher has been providing campers a world of adventure in nature, community, and spirit. We offer a variety of programs and exciting activities for all ages, including persons with disabilities.

Camp Christopher Services

CYO Athletics

CYO inspires young people to know God, to love God, and to serve God through athletics. More than 20,000 youth play CYO sports and over 5,000 adults coach and support CYO sports throughout eleven counties in Northeast Ohio.

CYO Athletics Services

Families, Children, & Community Services

Adoption & Foster Care

We believe that every child is entitled to live in a safe, happy home. If your heart and home are open to becoming a foster parent, you are seeking to provide a forever home or considering adoption for your child, Catholic Charities is here to guide you.

Adoption & Foster Care Services

Child Care & Education

Catholic Charities provides an array of chances for kids to learn and thrive. From our home visiting program to after-school activities and summer camps, our staff strives to provide opportunities for children to learn, explore and prosper.

Child Care & Education Services

Disability Services & Ministries

Disability Services & Ministries honors the dignity of each person by working with people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities, who are deaf or hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired, or have mental illness. The social, educational and spiritual needs of each individual are addressed by our many programs and services.

Disability Services & Ministries Services

Early Learning & Head Start

Our Head Start & Early Head Start programs give children that head start in lifelong learning and well-being.

Early Learning & Head Start Services

Emergency Assistance Services

An unexpected crisis can result in a lack of money for food, utilities, or rent. Assistance is available as funds allow. Help is also available for those experiencing homelessness.

Emergency Assistance Services Services

Employment Services

Finding a job can be difficult, but it is not impossible. Employment Services offers sector-based training and helps people search for jobs, create resumes, prepare for interviews and develop work etiquette skills.

Employment Services Services

Families & Children

Working with families and children is the foundation on which Catholic Charities was started. We offer an array of programs and services that focus on strengthening families and supporting children.

Families & Children Services

Hispanic Services

Catholic Charities offers programs that are designed specifically for our Hispanic & Latino communities. Services honor Hispanic culture and traditions.

Hispanic Services Services

Older Adult Services

Individuals 55 years of age and older take part in meals and social and recreational activities that help participants stay forever young.

Older Adult Services Services

Human Life & Advocacy

Migration & Refugee Services

We welcome refugees, asylees, and immigrants from around the world who have been forced to flee their homes in fear of persecution. We “welcome the stranger” by providing services that help individuals adapt and thrive to life in America.

Migration & Refugee Services Services

Diocesan Social Action Office

The Diocesan Social Action Office seeks to shape a more caring and peaceful world through justice education, advocacy, community development and organizing.

Diocesan Social Action Office Services

The Office for Human Life

Believing that all humans are created in the image and likeness of God, we honor human life.

The Office for Human Life Services

Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Part of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland

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