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Catholic Charities Corporation Administrative Offices:

7911 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44102

(216) 334-2900

Since the late 1800s the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland has offered ministries to persons with disabilities.

In 1966, Catholic Charities Disability Services & Ministries formally joined together to offer opportunities and resources to participate fully in Church and community.

We provide a variety of community-based services and parish-based ministries for persons of all ages and abilities. Programs are educational, social, and recreational, as well as spiritual, sacramental, and catechetical. Special events are also celebrated throughout the year, such as the Journey to Bethlehem Mass in December.

Many other services for persons with disabilities are offered through partnerships with local agencies and organizations, including residential living facilities for children and adults, respite care and day activity centers. These partnerships help us continue our mission of providing help and creating hope for those we serve.

Who We Serve

Many of our programs and services focus on supporting families and persons with specific disabilities including:

  • Persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities
  • Persons who are deaf and hard of hearing
  • Persons who are blind and visually-impaired
  • Persons with mental illness
  • Persons who have physical challenges

Where We Serve

Disability Services & Ministries provides for persons of all ages and abilities in community and parish settings throughout the eight counties of the Diocese of Cleveland.

open-quote Camp Happiness is a good place for everybody, not just people with disabilities like me. This is a good place for everyone. close-quote

Reena, Camper

Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Part of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland

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