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Catholic Charities Corporation Administrative Offices:

7911 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44102

(216) 334-2900

Frequently Asked Questions

Read our FAQs for answers to general questions regarding CYO Athletics. Our FAQs seek to answer the common questions many parents share regarding CYO Athletics and their child's participation.

How can I get my child registered to participate in CYO Athletics when the parish we belong to does not have sports team? 

If a Catholic parish/school or CYO member does not sponsor a team in a specific sport, an athlete that meets one of the requirements of Bylaw 3-1-2 is eligible to compete for another CYO member only when the following process is completed and approved by the diocese administration is given:

  • The athlete makes the first request to the member administration sponsoring a team that is closest to the athlete’s residence or school/parish address as determined by using the Parish Locator or other approved navigational systems.
  • If the closest member does not accept the athlete, he/she may then approach the member administration of the second closest member that sponsors a team as measured by the above process.
  • If the second closest member does not accept the athlete, he/she has permission to approach the member administration of the third closest member to sponsor a team or contact the diocesan administration for placement.
  • If the third closest member does not accept the athlete, he/she must contact the diocese administration for assistance.
  • The submission and approval of an Eligibility Request Form.
  • Athletes associated with non-Catholic organizations that enjoy CYO membership are only eligible to participate for that entity.

Where can I find individual sport rules on the CYO website like, how much playing time my child will receive in each game? 

Select the Sports tab and click on your sport. 

Sport rules are in PDF format in the link on the right. Each set of rules has a participation section, which contains participation requirements.

Can you tell me where I can find game schedules, locations, and tournament brackets? 

Schedules & Locations can be found under the Schedules tab of our website. Select the league to see a list of scheduled games. Click a location name to open Google Maps and get directions to the venue.

Where can I find a list of nearby parishes that I may reference to see if my child can participate in CYO Athletics? 

Visit our Player Eligibility page to access the Diocese of Cleveland's Parish Locator, or visit the diocese's website

Where can I find session dates and register for the next Coaches Development Program? 

Select the Coaches tab and click on Coaches Development Program.  You can view upcoming training session dates and information on how to register.

Can my child play more than one sport in the same season? 

An athlete on a member team is not permitted to participate in a contest on any other team in the same sport, during that sport's season unless participating as a guest player as outlined in Bylaw 5, or as stated otherwise in the CYO sport-specific rules.

What are the eligibility requirements for my child to play CYO sports? 

Generally, athletes are eligible to participate on the teams of a CYO member organization if they meet at least one (1) of the following requirements listed below.

To read the complete rules, review Bylaw 3 of the Charter and Bylaws.

  • The athlete's parent(s)/guardian(s) are registered members of the parish sponsoring the team.
  • The athlete attends the school of the CYO member organization.
  • The athlete is enrolled and regularly attends the member’s sponsored and designated PSR or RCIA in the current school year and lives within the member’s defined boundaries. A non-Catholic participant enrolled in PSR or RCIA must submit a CYO Eligibility Request Form to the diocese administration by the team entry deadline and meet the following criteria:
  • The athlete must attend six (6) religious education sessions before they are eligible to participate in competitions.
  • If an athlete’s parish/school sponsors a team in a particular sport, that athlete is to participate on the member’s team and is not permitted to play at another member without prior written approval from CYO administration.

Can my child play CYO sports and also play for another league? 

In most cases no, but refer to sport-specific rules.

Where can I get information on uniforms, undergarments and numbering? 

Please see sport-specific rules by selecting your child's sport under the Sport tab. Information regarding uniforms may be found in the sport's rules, which is listed in a link on the right. 

The Diocese of Cleveland CYO follows the National Federation of State High School Associations as guidelines for equipment and uniforms. 

Who do I contact when I have an issue with a coach? 

Please speak with the member athletic director at the parish/school.

Where can I find CYO program dates and deadlines?

Visit sport-specific website pages and review the planner located in a link on the right.

How can I recognize a volunteer for their exceptional work at my school? 

Visit our Hall of Fame page where you may nominate individuals for the CYO Recognition Award as well as the CYO Hall of Fame. Online nominations are accepted into late September for both awards. 

Recognition Award

Nominees must have provided excellent service to the CYO athletic program and its participants as a coach, parish athletic director, clergy, league commissioner, site supervisor, or any other member of our community whose accomplishments deserve to be recognized.

Hall of Fame

Nominees must have made significant contributions to the CYO athletic programs as a player, coach, parish athletic director, clergy, league commissioner, or other member of our community whose accomplishments have been of the highest caliber over an extended period of time. 

Are there any clinics my child can participate in? 

There are several local sports camps & clinics offered throughout the Diocese of Cleveland. CYO Athletics does not endorse any outside sports camp or clinic, however we encourage parents and coaches to research camp and clinic sponsors prior to enrollment.

For more information, contact:
Noelia Speringo, CYO Membership & Communications Coordinator

Email Noelia

Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Part of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland

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