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Catholic Charities Corporation Administrative Offices:

7911 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44102

(216) 334-2900

Cross Initiative

CYO Cross Initiative
CYO Cross Initiative
CYO Cross Initiative
CYO Cross Initiative

What is the Cross Initiative?

The Cross Initiative helps us accomplish our mission and recognizes the “God Sightings” that happen every day and at every event through our athletes. 

We have given all of our coaches small wooden crosses and have asked them to give each athlete on their team a Cross when they notice a moment of sacrifice or gratitude. We call these moments “God Sightings.” It is paramount to recognize these “God Sightings” as they build faith, character, and the dignity of each young person in CYO.

When we make a sacrifice for others we are doing what Jesus taught us to do by loving our neighbors as ourselves. Through sacrifice and gratitude we are all Champions of Faith and there is no greater Champion then that!

All of your stories are important as they are “God Sightings.” They lift us up, make us smile and build what our CYO community is all about!

Please send your photos and stories to Noelia Speringo:

Email Noelia

Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Part of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland

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