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Catholic Charities Corporation Administrative Offices:

7911 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44102

(216) 334-2900

Team Registration Information

Information for CYO athletic directors on season deadlines and registering teams through SportsPilot.

Download the CYO yearly 2024-2025 calendar below!

CYO Calendar 2024-2025

Entry Dates 

STATUS: Spring Sports Registration is open.  

Boys and Girls Volleyball practices may begin2/17/25
Volleyball early registration ends 9 am, regular registration begins2/24/25
Track and Field practice may begin, early registration ends 9 am, and regular registration begins2/24/25
Dicks Sporting Goods CYO Shop Days2/27-3/3
Volleyball regular registration ends3/3/25
Track and Field regular registration ends3/3/25
Deadline to enter Volleyball Team Blackout dates3/4/25
Deadline to enter Volleyball Athletes and Coaches to Volleyball Rosters in SportsPilot3/10/25
Baseball, Softball, Coach Pitch, and Lacrosse Early registration ends at 9:00 a.m.3/10/25
Baseball, Softball, Coach Pitch, and Lacrosse Regular Registration begins 9:00 a.m.3/10/25
Volleyball (2nd & 4th grade Divisions) Schedules Published3/12/25
Deadline to add Track and Field athletes and coaches to rosters in SportsPilot3/14/25
Baseball, Softball, Coach Pitch, and Lacrosse Regular Registration ends3/17/25
Deadline to enter Baseball, Softball, Coach Pitch, and Lacrosse Team Blackout dates3/17/25
Spring Sports fee payments and Fee Summary form due.  (Make checks payable to Catholic Charities)3/18/25
Volleyball (6th & 8th grade Divisions) Schedules Published, (2nd & 4th Grade Divisions) Competition Begins3/19/25
Track and Field Schedules published on CYO website3/19/25
Last Day to drop Track and Field athletes for a refund3/20/25
Deadline to enter Baseball, Softball, Coach Pitch, and Lacrosse athletes and coaches to rosters in SportsPilot3/26/25
Volleyball (6th  & 8th grade Divisions) season competition begins3/26/25
Track and Field (Grades 1-4) season competition begins3/29/25
Track and Field (Grades 5-8) season competition begins3/30/25
Baseball, Softball, Coach Pitch, and Lacrosse schedules published4/2/25
Baseball, Softball, Coach Pitch, and Lacrosse season competition begins4/12/25

Important NEW!  Any team who registers or syncs after regular team deadline, 9 a.m. will be assessed an additional $100 fee to the regular team fee.  

Make checks payable to Catholic Charities.  Indicate CYO fees in the memo of your check.  Be sure to include the CYO Fee Summary form with your check payment.

Download the CYO Online Roster Athlete Data Form below:

Online Roster Athlete Data Form

General Registration Information 

Please note: Members who manually register their teams in SportsPilot may use the link below to access online registration. Sync members must register through their sync portal URL they received from SportsPilot when their sync database was created.


All members must sign in using their CYO member athletic director username and password in order to register teams, coaches and athletes. Simply search for the program and its division, and enter the corresponding information. See Registration Help below for step-by-step instructions for both sync and non-sync member registration.

For all members, please remember to:

  • Print out the CYO Fee Summary Form and submit it with your payment by the published deadline. Make checks payable to Catholic Charities.
  • Include the number of players by grade. This helps us place the team in the correct conference. For grades 1 to 3 or high school, list this information in the notes section.
    • I.e., 9th grade: 6 athletes; 3rd grade: 10 athletes
  • Enter the dates a team cannot play by the season entry deadline. The “Team Blackout” dates must be entered electronically in SportsPilot in the team profile by the season deadline. Team blackout dates may not be honored during the playoffs.
  • For sync member registration, please complete team registration early and make sure team names are in the approved CYO format. Do not type data in capital letters in SportsPilot.
  • Give attention to each athlete's physical exam dates, as they may expire during the season. Exams are valid for 13 months from the date of the exam.

Non-Sync Member Registration

Non-sync member registration is for athletic directors who manually create team registrations and rosters in their parish/school database back office.

Follow the instructions below to complete non-sync member registration through SportsPilot:

  • Click the button below to access the SportsPilot online registration software.
  • Log in with you assigned CYO member athletic director username and password.
  • For step-by-step instructions on the complete registration process, please download and review the instruction packet.

Non-Sync Online Registration Non-Sync Member Registration Instruction Packet

Sync Member Registration

Sync member registration is for athletic directors who create teams in their back office database with their SportsPilot username and password. Athletic directors completing sync registration access their parish database sync portal and set up team registration to sync and download data to the CYO Athletic Office. Sync member registration also offers the option of online parent registration.

Sync member registration is only available by contracting directly with SportsPilot. To set up sync member registration, please call SportsPilot directly at (844) 375-2648. 

For step-by-step instructions on the complete registration process, please download and review the instruction packet.

Sync Member Registration Instruction Packet

Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Part of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland

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