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Catholic Charities Corporation Administrative Offices:

7911 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44102

(216) 334-2900

Officials Training Academy

Learn about the CYO Officials Academy and register for upcoming training sessions.


In 2001, the Diocese of Cleveland CYO began the CYO Officials Academy in basketball to help introduce officiating to young people and any individual interested in enforcing the rules of the game.

CYO Officials Academy

At the core of the program is the belief that if properly trained from the beginning, individuals with an interest in officiating can develop into capable officials. It is a goal of the program that individuals will learn the professional way to perform the duties of an official.

CYO recruits veteran officials from the high school and college level to assist as mentors and trainers for each student member. They guide, educate, supervise, critique and assist our student members so that each young individual may develop a passion for officiating.

The CYO Officials Academy currently offers training in the following sports:

  • Flag Football
    Training is held every August. Games are played on Saturdays and some Sundays. The season begins the last week of August and lasts through mid-October.

  • Soccer
    Training is held in August. The season begins the last week of August. Boy's games are played on Saturdays and Sundays, while girl's games are played during the week and on weekends. Locations are throughout Summit County, the East Side of Cleveland and in the Parma area.

  • Volleyball
    Training is held in August. Games begin the last week of August, with the season concluding in mid-October. Games are played on weekends.

  • Basketball
    Training is held on Sunday evenings, beginning in the third week of October and lasting through the third week of November. There are six mandatory sessions in order to complete the training. Games are played on Saturdays and Sundays. Locations vary throughout East side, west side of Cleveland and in Summit County.

  • LacrosseTraining is held in March. The season begins the last week of March and ends in mid-May. Locations are throughout Summit County and on the East and West sides of Cleveland.

Upcoming Training & Registration

We are seeking individuals interested in officiating

The Diocese of Cleveland CYO are seeking high school, college students and adults interested in officiating:

 Soccer, Volleyball, Flag Football, Rookie Tackle

Training will be provided. Officials are paid a fee to officiate. There will be mandatory training sessions. Equipment is provided at no cost. Whistles, shirts, penalty flag, markers and stopwatches.

 If you are interested, please contact the following:

Basketball Assigners

Gary Ostkar- 440-666-9448

Marty Rudin- 440-983-2695

Kevin Smith-440-465-6458

Mike Spolar- 216-470-1728

Todd Shapiro- 216-233-6761

Ron Fuller- 330-730-3101

Tim Shovlin- 289-9644- (Officials Academy)

Todd Miller- 440-371-4222

Officiating & Evaluations

After completing training, CYO officials are assigned to games based on their individual schedules and availability. All officials receive payment for games worked.

Officials will be evaluated at the end of their sport's season. After an official gains experience, they are elevated to the next level of officiating.

Questions & Concerns

If you have questions regarding the CYO Officials Academy, please read our FAQs to find answers to common questions.

Officials Academy FAQs

For all other questions, or for help with Officials Academy registration, please email Mary Ann King.

Email Mary Ann

Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Part of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland

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