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Catholic Charities Corporation Administrative Offices:

7911 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44102

(216) 334-2900

Economic life should be shaped by moral principles. The Catholic Church believes in building a just economy that works for all.

"As followers of Jesus Christ and participants in a powerful economy, Catholics in the United States are called to work for greater economic justice in the face of persistent poverty, growing income-gaps, and increasing discussion of economic issues in the United States and around the world." —A Catholic Framework for Economic Life, USCCB, 1996

The Catholic Bishops of the United States believe building a just economy that works for all encompasses a wide range of issues, including:

Learn more about the current advocacy position of the USCCB.

Online Resources

Documents for Download

resource description
USCCB Minimum Wage BackgrounderView
Joint Letter to Senate on Minimum WageView
Catholic Framework for Economic LifeView
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Part of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland

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