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Catholic Charities Corporation Administrative Offices:

7911 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44102

(216) 334-2900


Stand up and be the voice for those who can’t. Advocacy is an activity that seeks to influence decisions within the public arena.

American flag waving in front of capitol hill3

The Diocesan Social Action Office looks to support and make recommendations on issues that adhere to Catholic Social Teaching. We work with senators and representatives on both the federal and state levels.

Advocacy relates to issues to the general public. Advocacy is not a political campaign and is not a statement on the representative or senator or respective political parties. It is issue-oriented and done on a more personal level than what a political campaign would do. 

What you can do:

  • Pray
  • Write a personal letter to your legislators
  • Sign up to receive Action Alerts
  • Visit your legislators

Advocacy Toolkit

The resources listed below include helpful tips to consider when contacting or visiting your legislators.

Advocacy TipsView
Advocacy: the Institutional Path of CharityLaunch
CRS Components of a Good Legislative VisitView
USCCB Tips to Communicate with LegislatorsLaunch
USCCB Tips for Writing to LegislatorsLaunch

Want more resources? Stay informed and sign up for Action Alerts! Click the buttons below to sign up now.

USCCB Action Alerts Diocesan Social Action Office Action Alerts

Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Part of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland

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