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Catholic Charities Corporation Administrative Offices:

7911 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44102

(216) 334-2900

Our Mission

Encounter. Form. Transform. Converting Hearts to Inspire Action.

The Diocesan Social Action Office seeks to shape a more caring society and a more peaceful world through justice education, advocacy, community development, and organizing. Our work is based on the call of the Gospel to work for the respect and dignity of all human life, the elimination of poverty, to speak out against injustice, and to promote the common good.

Our Priorities


  • Encounter: Drawing people into deeper relationships to see Christ in each other and to affirm the dignity of all life and creation.

  • Formation: Creating opportunities for collective and personal growth, awareness and action founded in Catholic teaching through contemplation, reflection and education.

  • Communications: Creating a unified communications plan that incorporates a consistent core message around Catholic Social Teaching and integral development improving and strengthening the efficiency of communications methods.

  • Fund Development: Developing innovative ways to connect with new donors to secure the future of Catholic Charities; providing more resources for grant writing; developing new ways to coordinate internally and externally.


  • Advocacy: Informing, engaging and empowering our community partners and parishes to respond faithfully and speak out with and for the dignity of all life and creation, especially the poor and marginalized.

  • Interfaith Relationships: Seeking to build relationships with other faith communities that lead to collaborative action around our common values.
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Part of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland

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