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Catholic Charities Corporation Administrative Offices:

7911 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44102

(216) 334-2900

Our Partners

We appreciate the support and collaboration from our partners in the Medina County communities.

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Akron Community Foundation
Akron Community Foundation is where generous families, individuals, companies and nonprofits make charitable dollars go the furthest for the permanent good of our community.

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SHC | The Arc of Medina County
The Society for Handicapped Citizens (SHC), The Arc of Medina County, partners with individuals with disabilities and their families to provide a full range of services to assist them in living a quality life in their chosen community.

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Medina County ADAMH Board
The Medina County ADAMH Board’s mission is to assure the availability of high-quality alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services to all Medina County residents through planning (assessing needs and resources, and determining priorities); purchasing cost-effective services to the extent resources are available; coordinating services; and evaluating these services.

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Medina County Board of Developmental Disabilities
The Medina County Board of DD is the community resource for connecting, coordinating and funding services for over 1250 individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Much of what we do goes beyond the walls of our facilities as we encourage individuals and their families to be successful in the community. We help with everything from early intervention and education opportunities for children to employment and community inclusive living for adults.

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Medina County Family First Council
The Family First Council is dedicated to strengthening the Medina County community by coordinating and supporting health, human and social services.

Medina county womens endowment fund

Medina County Women's Endowment Fund
Structured in concert with Akron Community Foundation’s Women's Endowment Fund, which serves Summit County, the Medina County Women's Endowment Fund accepts grant applications for programs that support women and children in Medina County. It specifically makes grants to programs that create opportunities for the educational, physical, emotional, social, artistic and personal growth of women and children.

Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Part of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland

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