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Catholic Charities Corporation Administrative Offices:

7911 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44102

(216) 334-2900


Soccer Eligibility

Open to all youth, including boys and girls, in grades 3 to 8. Boys and girls play on separate leagues.

General CYO Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible to participate in the Diocese of Cleveland CYO, your child must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Parish Membership: The parent(s)/guardian(s) are registered members of a Catholic parish within the Diocese of Cleveland or other approved areas.
  • School Enrollment: Your child attends a Catholic school within the Diocese of Cleveland or other approved area.
  • Parish School of Religion (PSR) or RCIA: Your child is enrolled in and regularly attends the PSR or RCIA in the current school year of the sponsoring parish and lives within the defined boundaries of the parish that would sponsor the team. In this case, an Eligibility Request Form must also be submitted, and your child must attend six religious education sessions before he/she is eligible to participate in competitions.

Grade School Section Assignments

Looking for what section and zone your parish or school is in? Please note athletes can only participate in their Section and Zone. You must contact the athletic director of the parish or school to see if you are eligible.

Section: Large group of programs that can work together to form teams if no teams can be formed in their zone.

Zone: Small group of programs that can work together to form teams.

  • Provisional: Athletes from these parishes can play with any program within the zone.
  • No Zone: Cannot have athletes from any other program participate on their teams without express written permission from CYO administration.
  • School: Cannot have athletes from any other program participate on their teams.

Download the Grade School Section Assignments below.

2024-2025 Grade School Section Assignments

Required Forms: Pre-Participation Form

Your child must have a current Pre-Participation Form on file with the sponsor of the team before he/she may participate in any CYO practices or games.

The form consists of three parts:

  • Physical exam
  • Information and release section
  • Emergency medical authorization

All three sections must be complete and current in order for the form to be valid and for your child to authorized to participate in CYO practices and games.

The complete Pre-Participation Form is valid for 13 months from the date of the physician's signature. The Pre-Participation Form will become invalid if any of the information contained in the information and release section or emergency medical authorization section of the form changes, or if 13 months have elapsed since the date of the physical exam.

Click the button below to download the Pre-Participation Form.

Pre-Participation Form

Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Part of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland

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