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Catholic Charities Corporation Administrative Offices:

7911 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44102

(216) 334-2900


No Thanks Needed


"I eat a meal, but I clean up for this place. One day I said, 'Hey, let me volunteer and clean up this place, and give these people a hand.' You know, you ain't got to be getting paid to do stuff in this world. I clean the table. I take the trash out. And I sweep and mop the floor. And walk around and talk to the people and smile at them. You know? I'm all cool with the volunteers and the staff here. And they tell me every day, 'Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!' They always tell me thank you. 'Thank you for helping us with this, thank you for helping us with that. Thank you for that.' Every single day I'm like, 'You ain't got to thank me. I do this because I want to.'

There's good fellowship, being around all these people. Because a lot of people walking around are all by themselves and lonesome. A lot of people come in here, of course they eat, but they come in here to be around other people. I think a lot of people, if they didn't have that much food, they would still come and hang out."

This is a good place to be.

I eat a meal, but I clean up for this place. One day I said, 'Hey, let me volunteer and clean up this place, and give these people a hand.' You know, you ain't got to be getting paid to do stuff in this world.
Robert, Volunteer, Summit County
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Part of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland

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