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Catholic Charities Corporation Administrative Offices:

7911 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44102

(216) 334-2900

Working with children with behavioral or emotional challenges can be challenging.

Early Childhood Mental Health Consultations are indirect interventions where consultant supports early child care professionals and families in building their capacities to meet a child's social and emotional needs. We provide individuals with the tools and knowledge to better respond to challenging behaviors and to promote healthy social and emotional development for young children. This will help to reduce suspension or expulsion from preschool programs or day care centers.

This program is offered at no cost to child care centers and families.


This program is funded in part by Catholic Charities, Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio Mental Health & Addiction Services and individual contributions.

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If you are interested in enrolling in our program, please contact your county location listed below.

Catholic Charities Ashland County
Nicole Mann, MAEd, LPCC, ECMHC
Office: (419) 289-1903
Cell: (419) 512-9547

Catholic Charities Wayne County
Annette M. Fisher, LSW, ECMHC
Phone: (330) 204-3687

Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Part of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland

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