Posted October 01, 2024
One of the most important parts of recovery is having a support system.
Although some people may not have that, Matt Talbot Residential Treatment provides a stable support system for every resident who walks through their doors.
St. Dominic’s Parish in Shaker Heights has a long-term relationship with Matt Talbot and its programs.
Chemical Dependency Counselor Assistant and St. Dominic Parishioner Agata Wojno got involved with Matt Talbot over seven years ago when she and her husband volunteered to remodel one of the cottages.
“We were remodeling the cottage 16, then we’ve been invited for the potluck…” Agata said.
When Agata joined Matt Talbot as an employee, she became the contact person for the potluck event.
“…this is simply amazing to connect those dots together because I know the clients…I can come in a different position with the church, bringing something else to the clients,” Agata said.
The reaction from the residents who benefitted from the potluck is nothing but positive.
“They [residents] are so grateful for people from outside coming and spending the time with them,” Agata said.
During the visit, Agata’s husband led a prayer service, during which residents and volunteers received the Eucharist or a blessing.
“This is like a special spiritual service for them, and I’m so proud that my church is providing something like that for the residents,” Agata said.
Agata describes St. Dominic’s Church as a living church. They don’t just go to church on Sundays; they follow Reverend Thomas Fanta’s steps, preaching, attitude, and leadership.
“He[Father Thomas] is preaching the simple truth. It’s not about talking the talk but walking the walk,” Agata said.
Allowing the volunteers to spread their faith while serving the residents at Matt Talbot reminds them that there are people in the world who are going through difficult times and have had difficult lives.
“They [volunteers] really see the reason and the value for the visit... they realize that people outside of the church do have a difficult life,” Agata said.
The relationship between St. Dominic’s Parish and Matt Talbot has been a long-term partnership and will continue to bring hope to those in recovery.
“We’re only bringing the message and the hope, believing, trusting, that there is a power greater than ourselves that can restore people,” Agata said.
From everyone at Catholic Charities, thank you, St. Dominic’s Parish, for your continuous support of Matt Talbot Residential Treatment and its programs. We could not do the work we do without you.
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