Posted May 05, 2024
Earlier this month, Summit County hosted its 8th annual Derby for Dollars event at a new location, House Three Thirty in Akron.
This event helps benefit Summit County’s Emergency Assistance Services Hot Meals program.
The Hot Meals program offers hot lunches during the week at two locations in Summit County: Blessed Trinity Parish and Visitation of Mary Parish.
Blessed Trinity Parish offers lunch services Wednesdays from 11:30 am to 1 pm and Visitation of Mary Parish offers their services Mondays from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm and Tuesdays from 11:30 am to 1 pm.
Not only was this year’s event hosted at a different location, but there were also a few other changes.
Live music was played during the night by Rolando’s Music Boutique and there was a livestream of the Kentucky Derby.
Along with that, guests were able to enjoy heavy appetizers, enter a bourbon raffle, bid on silent auction items, a 50/50 raffle, and so much more.
This year we raised $17,000 which will be able to supply an entire year’s worth of hot meals in Summit County!
The 50/50/Coach raffle (handbag and wallet donated by Sue Cianciola) took $1,160, resulting in a $580 payout and the Coach merchandise.
Thank you to all of our donors, sponsors, and attendees for your continuous support for Summit County and our programs!
Are you or someone you know in need of services? Click the buttons below to view a full list of programs offered in Summit County and photos from this year’s Derby for Dollars event!